Bacterial & Viral Threats:
12/18/2024: CDC Confirms First Severe Case of H5N1 Bird Flu in the United States
7/18/2022: CDC says MonkeyPox virus can live on surfaces for weeks or even months
2/21/2020: U.S. prepares for coronavirus pandemic, school and business closures: health officials
2/9/2020: Scientists Predict Coronavirus May Live for Up to Nine Days on Surfaces
2/8/2020: China has the deadliest day for coronavirus as US national becomes the first foreigner to die
1/31/20: PureGreen24 is EPA Registered to kill the Human Coronavirus
1/31/20: US government declares the coronavirus a public health emergency
1/31/20: US infectious disease doctor says coronavirus can spread even when people have no symptoms
1/31/20: High flu activity spreads across the US as virus claims 14 more children
1/4/20: Flu Season on Track to Be Especially Severe, New CDC Data Suggests
December 19, 2024 PureGreen24 Kills the Avian Flu Virus
August 3, 2022 PureGreen24 Kills the MonkeyPox Virus
October 15, 2021: PureGreen24 Is now EPA Registered to kill the COVID-19 virus in ONLY 30 seconds
April 2, 2020: PureGreen24 is added to two new Covid-19 lists
March 18, 2020: PureGreen24 is being used in NY school for disinfecting against the human Coronavirus
March 16, 2020: PureGreen24 is added to the EPA list for disinfectants to be used against the human Coronavirus
February 26, 2020: Dr. Bens recommends to use PureGreen24 in your home to combat the Coronavirus
January 31, 2020: PureGreen24 is EPA Registered to kill the Human Coronavirus
November 14, 2014: PureGreen24 added to CDC list of disinfectants added to CDC list of Disinfectants for Use against the Ebola Virus
February 26, 2013: PureGreen24 receives seal of approval from Organic Baby University
October 22, 2012: PureGreen LLC Supports MRSA Survivors Network
July 2, 2012: PureGreen LLC Supports Carol Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
April 19, 2011: PureGreen24 Recommended by Green Vet
November 18, 2010: PureGreen24 Highlighted in the TURI Infection Control Hand Book
August 3, 2010: PureGreen24 recommended by Associated Content from Yahoo!™
June 9, 2010: PureGreen LLC Supports the Bella Moss Foundation Speaking Tour
March 1, 2010: Life Fitness Recommends PureGreen24 for Fitness Equipment
February 8, 2010: PureGreen24 partners with Cleaning For A Reason
February 1, 2010: Germ Concerns Heat Up Due to H1N1
January 10, 2010: PureGreen24 Announces Availability at Whole Foods Market
October 6, 2009: PureGreen24 Highlighted on CBS CH2 News NY
September 11, 2009: David Stetson of Pure Green LLC interviewed by discussing how to reduce the spread of infection.
August 23, 2009: PureGreen24 featured in NY Times Sunday Business Section
August 1, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by BareFoot Mommies blog
June 14, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by Welcome to the Motherhood blog
May 16, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by Words from a busy SAHM blog
May 15, 2009: PureGreen24 Meets Resilite’s Testing Requirements
May 10, 2009: PureGreen24 Recommended by YMCA for combating MRSA
May 1, 2009: Swine flu/2009 H1NI update
April 29, 2009: PureGreen24 Kills the Influenza A Virus on hard surfaces in both Home and Healthcare Settings
April 7, 2009: Babson College Combats Norovirus with PureGreen24
March 25, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife blog
March 24, 2009: PureGreen24, First Disinfectant to be recommended by Green Clean Institute
March 17, 2009: PureGreen24 Named “ChildSafe” Disinfectant
March 17, 2009: Fox12 Oregon News Green Cleaning
March 17, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by Retro Housewife blog
March 11, 2009: Fighting MRSA, Staph and the Flu in Chiropratic Wellness Centers
March 2, 2009: PureGreen24 CH recommended
March 1, 2009: PureGreen24 Featured by First for Women Magazine
February 13, 2009: PureGreen24 recommended by Jamie’s Precious Peas Blog
January 5, 2009: Tragedy of the Travolta’s
November 8, 2008: PureGreen24 recommended by dkMommy Spot
June 20, 2008: Country HosPETatlity Featured in a News Channel 36 Interview Concerning their Eco-Friendly Pet Boarding Facility and the use of PureGreen24
June 16, 2008: PureGreen24, is recognized by Wildlife Organizations as a Preferred Disinfectant
March 24, 2008: PureGreen24, First Disinfectant to be recommended by Green Clean Institute
March 17, 2008: PureGreen24 Named “ChildSafe” Disinfectant
February 14, 2008: Fox 6 News MRSA Protection Stepped up “Click Play button (triangle image) in upper right hand corner of SanDiego6 web page to view video”
December 13, 2007: Dana Stetson of Pure Green, LLC Interviewed on the Animal Talk Naturally internet radio show discussing the prevention of MRSA in animals
